sunday school
For our 2 to 4 year old children St. Peter's offers Children's Chapel. Children's Chapel is held on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month in the Church Undercroft. There our toddlers engage in free-form table activities, a song, a bible verse and prayer, followed by music and movement and a craft related to the story of the day. Among the stories the children share are such as: Going to our Church, God Loves Me, Creation, God Made Everything Good, Jesus is Growing and numerous others. Together these little ones are forming the seed of a loving group that will be together for many years to come.
For our children in Kindergarten through 5th grade, St. Peter's offers the rich experience of Godly Play. Godly Play respects that children have an innate sense of the presence of God. The Godly Play approach helps them to explore their faith through story, to gain religious language and to enhance their spiritual experience though wonder and play. Based on Montessori principles and developed using a spiral curriculum, the Godly Play method serves children through early, middle and late childhood and beyond.
In Godly Play, a special environment is prepared for children to work in with adult guides. Two adults (a storyteller and a doorperson) guide the session making time for the children to do the following:
In Godly Play, a special environment is prepared for children to work in with adult guides. Two adults (a storyteller and a doorperson) guide the session making time for the children to do the following:
- Be greeted individually by name and enter the space when they are ready.
- Get ready for the presentation (a story or lesson). By being "anchored" in the circle, the storyteller models a quiet and calm demeanor so the children can be ready for the story.
- Hear the Word of God through a presentation based on a Sacred Story, Parable or Liturgical Action.
- Respond to the presentation through shared wondering.
- Respond to the presentation with their own self-selected "work," either expressive art (drawing, painting, building with clay or legos), journaling, or working with the other materials in the room.
- Prepare and share a feast. More than just a snack, the "feast" builds community as the children say prayers, learn to serve each other and then wait to eat together. The feast also has an indirect connection with Holy Communion and lessons that will be centered around it.
- Say goodbye with a dismissal and an individual blessing and leave the space to rejoin the church community.
family service
On the first Sunday of the month families are in church for the entire service, affectionately called, "Family Service." On this Sunday the children lead the worship ministries and the rector’s talk is designed to engage them in reflection and conversation.
youth groups
Jr. Youth Group For our Middle Schoolers (6th through 8th grade) Our Jr. Youth Group meets on the 1st Sunday of the month from 4:30 to 5:30 pm. We make use of Godly Play extension lessons for older children to continue faith formation and begin preparation towards Confirmation (usually held in the Spring of 8th or 9th grade) while having fun and building fellowship in our group of young teens.
Our Sr. Youth Group is made up of our High Schoolers and also meets on the 1st Sunday of the month from 5:30 to 7:00 pm. Our meetings consist of prayer, faith inquiry, fellowship and fun. Our Sr. Youth Group is invited to join in a week-long mission trip in July. Apart from our annual mission trip, our youth are involved in other service ministry projects, with the Mental Health Association and Hoping Hands throughout the year.
adult formation
Since 2021, a regional faith community comprised of people from a number of our local parishes, has been meeting with a goal of deepening Christian spirituality. This community is following an itinerary of faith formation through a weekly celebration of the Word, a monthly Eucharist and community fellowship together. Please click here for more information.