Our Sunday Worship services are held in-person in the church and are live streamed.
8:00 AM - Rite I Eucharist (brief, spoken service)
10:15 AM - Rite II Eucharist (worship service with music)
For those attending from home the services are
live streamed on Facebook Live and
can be viewed from the link on our homepage.
At St. Peter’s our worship and our life together are centered on the love of God found in Jesus Christ. We are committed to grow as Christian disciples through liturgical worship in the historic Anglican tradition, through the fellowship and relationships growing in our community, and through our engagement with the world in the name of Christ. We follow Jesus' commandment to love God and love one's neighbor.
We invite all who want to change the world through seeking God
and through a deeper knowledge of Jesus to join our community of faith.
8:00 AM - Rite I Eucharist (brief, spoken service)
10:15 AM - Rite II Eucharist (worship service with music)
For those attending from home the services are
live streamed on Facebook Live and
can be viewed from the link on our homepage.
At St. Peter’s our worship and our life together are centered on the love of God found in Jesus Christ. We are committed to grow as Christian disciples through liturgical worship in the historic Anglican tradition, through the fellowship and relationships growing in our community, and through our engagement with the world in the name of Christ. We follow Jesus' commandment to love God and love one's neighbor.
We invite all who want to change the world through seeking God
and through a deeper knowledge of Jesus to join our community of faith.