Christian faith calls us to put our faith in action in ministries that cooperate with God's mission to build up both the Church and the world. There are many opportunities to serve in God's mission at St. Peter's. If you want to volunteer your time to make a difference please consider joining one of our ministries.
christian education ministeries.
Godly Play Storytellers - Share in the joy of wondering with the children about the mysteries of the liturgical year and the stories of the Hebrew and Christian scriptures. Contact: Liz Muller
Godly Play Doorpersons - Assist the storytellers by helping the children get ready to encounter God in story, work and community. Contact: Liz Muller
Regional Faith Community - Follow an itinerary of faith formation through the Word of God, Liturgy and Community. Every Wednesday the faith community meets to explore and pray with Biblical themes. Monthly the community hosts a Saturday night Eucharist. Both celebrations are open to all and give the opportunity for increased participation and learning. Contact: Rev. Michael Muller
Godly Play Doorpersons - Assist the storytellers by helping the children get ready to encounter God in story, work and community. Contact: Liz Muller
Regional Faith Community - Follow an itinerary of faith formation through the Word of God, Liturgy and Community. Every Wednesday the faith community meets to explore and pray with Biblical themes. Monthly the community hosts a Saturday night Eucharist. Both celebrations are open to all and give the opportunity for increased participation and learning. Contact: Rev. Michael Muller
Pastoral care ministeries
Lay Pastoral Callers - Visit parishioners unable to attend regular services to ensure they feel connected to the church community. Contact: Rev. Deacon Nancy Hansen
Lay Eucharistic Ministers - Provide Holy Communion and a Word from the Sunday readings to those unable to attend church. Contact: Rev. Deacon Nancy Hansen
Caring Card Ministry - Group meets monthly to send cards to parishioners and families celebrating life events or facing challenges and loss. Contact: Janet Wilson
Lay Eucharistic Ministers - Provide Holy Communion and a Word from the Sunday readings to those unable to attend church. Contact: Rev. Deacon Nancy Hansen
Caring Card Ministry - Group meets monthly to send cards to parishioners and families celebrating life events or facing challenges and loss. Contact: Janet Wilson
outreach ministeries.
Faith Kitchen - Supported by some 25 churches in Morris County, Faith Kitchen provides nourishing lunches for as many as 100 people six days a week at Trinity Lutheran in Dover. St. Peter's serves on the 5th Wednesday of the month. Contact: Evelyn & Jerry Watkins
Saturday Luncheon Social - St. Peter's parishioners cook and serve at the Saturday luncheon located at St. John's in Boonton 18 times a years. Contact: Steve Emr
Mental Health Association - St. Peter's relationship with the MHA is in its 13th year. We host dinners for the Social Club, provide companions for clients, emergenncy needs and support for the educational assistance fund. Contact: Don MacGowan.
Food Pantry - St. Peters supports both Boonton Social Services and the Mental Health Association with regular donations of non-perishable goods. Contact: Steve Foshay
Saturday Luncheon Social - St. Peter's parishioners cook and serve at the Saturday luncheon located at St. John's in Boonton 18 times a years. Contact: Steve Emr
Mental Health Association - St. Peter's relationship with the MHA is in its 13th year. We host dinners for the Social Club, provide companions for clients, emergenncy needs and support for the educational assistance fund. Contact: Don MacGowan.
Food Pantry - St. Peters supports both Boonton Social Services and the Mental Health Association with regular donations of non-perishable goods. Contact: Steve Foshay
Liturgical ministeries.
Altar Guild - Cares for the altar linens, vestments, and vessels used in worship. Their responsibilities include provision for the bread, wine, candles and flowers that are prepared for the celebration of the Eucharist - the center of our worship. Contact: Wendy Mitchell & Jane Kio who oversee 4 teams with alternate weeks of service
Choir - Provides musical enrichment and inspiration during Sunday services and other feasts. Contact: Sal Lagattuta, Music Director
Lay Readers - Prepare and proclaim the Word of God and lead the Prayers of the People at the Sunday Eucharists. Contact: Sue Marshall, Parish Administrator
Ushers - Serve as minister of welcome as the community gathers for worship. Shepherd parishioners and newcomers while in our buildings being mindful of their needs and safety. Contact: Sue Marshall
Videographers - Control the camera of our A/V system during the livestream of our Sunday services for those unable to be in church and for those that are getting to know St. Peter's. Contact: Clive Knowles & Anthony Floreno
Choir - Provides musical enrichment and inspiration during Sunday services and other feasts. Contact: Sal Lagattuta, Music Director
Lay Readers - Prepare and proclaim the Word of God and lead the Prayers of the People at the Sunday Eucharists. Contact: Sue Marshall, Parish Administrator
Ushers - Serve as minister of welcome as the community gathers for worship. Shepherd parishioners and newcomers while in our buildings being mindful of their needs and safety. Contact: Sue Marshall
Videographers - Control the camera of our A/V system during the livestream of our Sunday services for those unable to be in church and for those that are getting to know St. Peter's. Contact: Clive Knowles & Anthony Floreno